Written Last July 9, 2010 11:37 PM
Here I am again, blogging non-sense but really fun to read notes, journals, or whatever word you want to call what I’m doing. Well I don’t want to start my blog in a wrong foot so here we go…
Thank you twitter for giving me such an amazing fan, he’s one of kind, asking me what website he could watch a streaming of the number 1 comedy show in the US (and now I’m claiming RP too), GLEE (Congratulations with the 19 nominations by the way)? So I gladly answered his query and to make things a bit formal/cute I called him “tweet friend”. We added each other on Facebook and even dragged him to chat with us (my vampire friends) on MYX Philippines UStream with Ms. Klara, which I think he got bored and left us telling me in the end that he can’t keep up with us coz we are super going LOCO over Chicosci!!! (and other stuff regarding the music scene…) Oh yeah! then when we’re online on FB, he sometimes tag me to his posts saying “Hey tweet friend” or something and of course I cautiously replied “hey! or Hi tweet friend” (yah ok enough with the yah-di-yah). I got my aunt asking me who’s Hiro Kuroki or my so called “tweet friend”? and back then I’ve to answer, “he’s a friend of mine on twitter and he’s also my friend on my Facebook account” (Big smiles and High Fives). Well back then I already think he’s cute but too young for me and even endorsed him to my little sister and to her friends who could somewhat deal with him coz they’re of the same age gap. I never felt too envious from his “love of his life” girl back then until he told me she dumped him after an almost month-long courtship/”being in a nostalgic stage for the nth time dilemma” and I’m really lucky to have him right now actually (yes, I’m loving my every days because of him).
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