Here I am blogging over an incident that started last night, well technically it was not night it was almost dawn, around 2:30 am. The past night (June 7, 2010 around 10 pm) I went to bed because I have plans on going to my former University the following day, I slept early (well that is early for me). Around 2:00 AM my sister woke me up to transfer to the other side of the bed so she could sleep (we share the same bed, her on the left side and I, on the right but unfortunately I took the whole bed by all means I’m having my REM(Rapid Eye Movement – very asleep) that time, and when I tried going back to sleep, it was kindda hard for me, plus the fact that my neighbor’s friends plus the neighbors themselves are too noisy (man!!! Its 2:30 AM and they have the guts to talk LOUDLY as if there are no people sleeping. We rent a place inside a compound so there are 6 doors all are 2-story high and near to each other so imagine how inconvenient it was for us to take time and tell them to tone down their voices coz it’s late. My resolution was not that convenient either, I woke up our maid, Ate Jo and told her to go down and tell the neighbors to tone down their voices coz everybody in the compound is sleeping, they should give considerations, we are humans too and we need SLEEP. If they can manage a day without sleeping, by all means they are very welcome to that… but don’t do the same to us. They did quiet down but finished their little party a bit like 4 – 4:30 AM. I woke up around 8:00 AM, really exhausted and manage to go to school after. Then came my dilemma… the request I made for my good moral and for my recommendation letter was dues yesterday, Monday for pick up, since they a lot 5 days for the processing. So what I did is I skipped Monday and picked up the papers Tuesday, which today. I expected that the papers are ready for pick up and I don’t have to wait anymore much to my surprise, it’s not yet done, it wasn’t yet signed by the Dean of the Institute of Nursing plus there’s no dry seal yet. WTFudge!!! I let Monday passed and I’ll get the next day is “Can you pick up the documents after lunch?”… I therefore agreed coz I’d wasted my time going there in the 1st place (BTW my travel time is 1 hour but if there’s super traffic that would be plus half an hour). For me, the meaning of after lunch is a bit like 1:00 pm, give it or take it 30 minutes more. Wow, so I went back to the good office and again surprise surprise the documents are not yet ready but is for dry seal as of the moment. I gave it an hour more. I was about to give thinking that I might as well go home coz I’m tired of waiting, being there at 11:00 AM and still there at around 3:30 PM for just 2 pieces of paper. But then I told myself, I’d rather talk to them straight that I want the documents or I’ll just leave. Went straight inside the IN office, told one kind sir that I want the papers that instant or just tell me to leave coz I’m waiting for nothing. Right then and there he gave me the documents I needed,, immediately signed the log book and left.
Now I’ve learned that:
1. If they say follow up in a week, they mean… 2 weeks
2. If they say after lunch… you go back afternoon as in around 4 PM
3. If it looks like a cashier, think again coz it might be for something else.
4. If they say you’re VIP, it’s just a way of making you feel good, you’re just the same as everyone else.
5. If the say PA/check up… now you to the guards appointed at Pavilion 1 (I didn’t know they could handle that)
6. If you see good looking people, you’re not dreaming. They do exist.
Thank you FEU, you made my day HELL!!!
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