I started looking at some of my documents, pictures and other things in my laptop, and there are things that shouldn’t be touched, nonetheless it was touched from its purity and I got my laptop re-started a couple of times. I hate reminiscing my past. Indeed there are lots of painful experiences, like if I could only repeat every scene, I’d definitely erase all the pain and unfortunate events I have gone thru. But hey, come to think of it without those kindda things I won’t be strong and I won’t be… me, the girl who can endure the same things that happened to me all over again, as I’ve said “given a second chance, the second time around I’d definitely make things perfect, but really.. reality bites.
I love chatting over the net thru www.yahoo.com and sometimes I also use www.meebo.com . I love meeting new friends (girls and guys alike) and I do this everytime I get the chance. Today, I tried talking to some jejemons hahaha and boy it was funny and plus the fact that I got this link, translating regular/standard sentences used by commom people to jejemon sentence construction and boy it was a hit for me and a friend of mine named Maya (I often call her mare or mareng maya). We share a lot of things in common, maybe that’s why we “click”. Here’s the list of things we love: band (chicosci, sandwich), TV show (Glee), gadget (Ipad), person (Mong and Miggy, both from the same band we like), music and a whole lot more. Anywho, I also had this conversition with a very well-mannered and very broad person which I super like talking to (its not that I am very choosy as to whom I want to chat with but most of the time I want to talk to people who makes sense and not those who’s mind is full of green things and by that I mean “just the thought of my username: midnytcharm_07 makes them horny”, guys can be really really shallow. I want to change my username but I don’t know how to do it, poor me… I just have to endure the fact that the opposite sex really is easy to please, just tell me them you feel hot and the next thing yoy know he’s asking you out for a one night stand.
Lemme go back to this well-mannered guy I am talking about. Never was a dull moment for him, talking to him was a breathe of fresh air and suddenly he used this super unfamiliar word to me *big laughs* and the word is (OMG I can still hear the “ting-ting-ting-ting-ting” sound in a game show)…. And now I forgot the word, blame me and my short-termed memory, anyway no one’s browsing my blogs yet so very good very good then. I told him I do blogs if I’m bored and that I just started blogging here (www.blogspot.com) 2 days ago… and currently have 2 blogs for mother’s day and the other one is about a break up lesson given by my former professor, Mr. Emerson Aliswag (he’s very good indeed and has a very kind heart). Hhmm so he told me that so you don’t settle for a topic then or as I may an interest, told him naaahh I’m into whatever pops in my head, then he told me sounds like your blogs are more of a Journal to me. Anywho, a journal or a blog, I really don’t care, I just want to share things over the net… that’s why I called it my ever after coz whatever happens it’s still my ever after and will never change. It’s mine alone.
Oh and byt the way… the word is REPARTEE ( I have to see it thru my fb account, so I did post it)
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